"Heading for Home" - Sold!

"Heading for Home" - Sold!

1st March 2021

Went in to the Otago Art Society (http://otagoartsociety.co.nz ) “Summer Exhibition” yesterday to show my parents who are down from Auckland for the week the wonderful exhibition facilities that are available there, and have a look at the current exhibition. And wow, nice surprise to see I’d sold an artwork. So my print of “Heading for Home” is now heading for another deserving home. Made my day and a very cool feeling. 

I’m booked in for a week in the Otago Art Society Featured Artist in Residence program in early April, so working hard to get work ready for my exhibition that week.  Lovely space to occupy for the week, and it will be nice to get a week of getting back to creating some artworks, rather than concentrating on the business of art, which is all I seem to have been doing lately.  Still, every minute of the day is mine, to do with as I will and want, and that is to be treasured.  And I must admit that as much as I enjoy the business side of this venture of mine, I’m feeling the pull of getting back to the camera and Photoshop to delve into my creative again.  Even the paintbrushes are calling me!  Too many ideas and not enough time……  What a challenge to have!  I do feel very fortunate to live this life.